Team Guatemala!

Team Guatemala!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Guatemalan Food

During our work in various countries over the years, we always try immerse ourselves completely into the culture.....including the food.  In the more remote, impoverished villages, the food is more basic.

Here is just a snapshot of what our diet has been over the last 10 days.  The students are ready for West Main Pizza :)

Tamale in banana leaves
Not quite sure what this was :)

Pipian with rice and tortilla

Eggs with hot dog pieces

Black bean paste

Eggs with black beans and hot sauce

Grilled Fish....head, flippers, gills and all!  Yum! ;)


  1. The eggs with the hot dogs look pretty good....Jen, I hope you found something you could eat. Mom and I can't wait to see you tomorrow night!

  2. Black beans over a wood fire, mm mm good! Enjoy, I am heading out for dinner ;). See ya all tomorrow

  3. The black bean paste gets my vote. It looks especially appetizing in the big white plastic bucket. :) Did anyone take a picture of Alanna's face when they served the whole fish? I actually think most of that food looks yummy, but I can see how a whole week of it would make the kids long for West Main.

  4. IHop Mia! I haven't forgotten!! I cant wait to see you! So excited to hear all about your journey. I love you Bean xo
    Love, Mama

  5. The fish is definitely interesting......I would've loved to see all of your faces...I bet your eyes were as wide as the fishes.
    Luke, Mrs Greenman brought over a container for you tonight--she made you something special for when you come home :).
    I hope you enjoy your last night & know how filled with pride we are-- you have all done a wonderful thing. You were given an opportunity & changed people's lives for the better! I know Vuelta Grande & the people there have made a lasting impression on you as well. For that I am so grateful--you are all AMAZING!!
    Love & miss you Luke--we will se you tomorrow night. Safe travels!

  6. So glad you were able to experience so much! We've saved you some snow! Have a safe trip. Anxious to see you, Andreas! lots of love from all of us here!

  7. I can only imagine some of the conversations regarding the food! It's all part of the experience! I'm guessing there will be a rush on Sbarro's pizza in the Atlanta airport. Can't wait to see everyone tonight. And Col, you get to choose the menu for the week! Love you so much!

  8. Those eggs black beans and hot sauce looks good, but I would pass on the fish parts.

  9. I have no comment on the food but am thinking that perhaps that could have been the reason for "a few stomach issues"........
    Have a safe return! =)
