Team Guatemala!

Team Guatemala!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Hiking Volcano Pacaya

Pacaya is an active volcano in Guatemala, which first erupted approximately 23,000 years ago and has erupted at least 23 times since the Spanish invasion of Guatemala. Pacaya rises to an elevation of 8,373 ft.  After being dormant for a century, it erupted violently in 1965 and has been erupting continuously since then.

We hiked up the volcano Saturday morning with a guide.  Once near the top, we were able to toast marshmallows!  A fun day for all!


  1. Nice! Not something you can do every day..............Warm feet!

  2. Absolutely incredible! I don't know too many people who have hiked to the top of a volcano and toasted marshmallows!

  3. These are some awesome once in a lifetime photos!! What wonderful memories!!!!

  4. What an amazing hike! Have to put this on the bucket list! I know Erin was very excited to have marshmallow! Those are one of her favorites. She probably wanted to eat them right out of the bag. Unless she is one of the ones that has had some stomach issues. Can't wait to see you all tonight. Love you Erin!!

  5. Oh, Niall is going to be really jealous of this experience! Safe travels home.... Can't wait to see you tonight and hear all about the week, Alanna!! XO
