Team Guatemala!

Team Guatemala!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Homes in the Village of Vuelta Grande

This afternoon we had the privilege of visiting some of the homes in the village where we are working.  The students were gracious enough to bring us to meet their families.  They have so little, yet they have everything....they are so grateful, loving, and happy.

Traditional home in the village.  This where 6 children and their parents lived.

Sweet, little boy showing us his home 


  1. What an honor to be invited to the children's homes. I imagine it is an experience that will stay with you--and them--forever. You are all such wonderful, caring and compassionate ambassadors on our behalf!

  2. One of the best things you could do there and one you will remember.

  3. I feel Humbled just looking at these photos. I can only imagine how you are all feeling. xo
