Team Guatemala!

Team Guatemala!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The School in Vuelta Grande

I wanted to share a few more photos of the school where we worked all week.  It is high up in the mountains and educates the children that live with their families in very small huts on the mountainside. The school teaches children up to the sixth grade....after that, they are expected to work.  The poverty is extreme and, without higher education, there is no way for that to change.  The organization that we teamed with this year, Dream Volunteers, provides scholarships, uniforms, housing, etc. for some of the students in this community to continue their education in Antigua.  We are thrilled to be able to help them with this.

With education, comes hope....

The only water at the school.....actually, a luxury in this village.


  1. These pictures give a better perspective of how the school is settled into the mountain side.

    I'm sure the wall of fence is going to be very helpful! Thanks again for sharing all of these pictures and for taking the time to blog! We love to see the kids and what they are experiencing. Feels like you are taking us along.

    Blessings, Diane

  2. I'm sure these experiences will be for our kids the beginning of lifelong service to both the local and global communities. Thank you for guiding them along the way!
